Aluminium windows
The Tikli aluminium windows are suitable for industrial and business construction of all dimensions.
We manufacture aluminium windows for exterior, interior and fire compartment walls. Frames opening inwards and outwards, as well as smoke vent windows, may be attached to all of our windows.
Our aluminium windows are available with different profile systems (e.g. LK78H, P50, Purso Eco). The window frames are made of aluminium, and they may be surface-coated by anodising, painting them with RAL and RR colours or using a patterned coating, which results in a coating resembling stone, wood or other specialised surfaces. The glazing is optional depending on the requirements of the site, where the thickness of the glass element is 4–57 mm. The standard external dimensions of the window elements are between 600 and 6,400 mm. Upon special request, we also manufacture longer elements.
Tikli Pontti windows
The Tikli Pontti window ((ribbon window) is a special product by Tikli. It has been designed to be compatible with Sandwich panels (sheet-insulation-sheet). Read more
Light aluminium windows
We also manufacture light aluminium windows for non-insulated facilities.